Induction Heating overview
CENOS : IH (Induction Heating) is an accessible simulation software for engineers working with induction coil design and heating recipe development for various industries and applications.
First, the user imports a CAD model of their system. Then, the software allows defining physical and process parameters tailored to induction heating simulations. Finally, results can be reviewed by engineers to make further design decisions. Additionally, the software allows users to re-load modified CAD files while preserving all simulation settings and definitions.
When opening CENOS, you start at the Desk View, which contains the four main components of the software that take you through the full workflow from simulation setup through to results exploration: Geometry, Physics, Meshing and Results.
This article contains an overview of how to set up and run a simulation within CENOS: Induction Heating. You can find a full list of all features here.
There are two main ways to start setting up your simulation, you can choose from two different geometry sources: select a template or import a CAD. The template is the easiest method, you just have to input geometry parameters. However, import CAD is more flexible, you can import a step file prepared elsewhere and it is possible to import one or multiple STEP or IGES files.
We recommend reading our “What makes a good CAD geometry” article to make sure that your system CAD file is set up in the most optimal way.
CENOS contains several automations that simplify the simulation setup compared to other simulation tools:
- CENOS can automatically generate an airbox around your system.
- Before moving on to the Physics section, you need to define geometry roles in your system, such as transmitter and receiver coils, ferrites and any conductors. Geometry roles are used to simplify and customize the next simulation steps, such as Physics, Meshing and Results.
The Physics section is divided into several tabs – a simulation control tab and a tab for each domain in your system, which lets you focus on defining material or process properties relevant for each object. The domains are created based on the geometry roles that were defined in the previous step.
In the simulation control tab you have to define general system parameters, such as
- the operational frequency of your system,
- choosing transient or steady state simulation and setting the process time,
- defining the time step for the simulation,
- symmetry definition.
Then you have to define the system parameters for each domain separately:
- For inductors you have to define the applied power, current or voltage. To learn more about setting this up correctly, please read the “Inductor input types – power, voltage or current” article.
- For workpieces you have to define the material and cooling definition. You can select a material from our material library or create a new material. To learn more about setting up thermal cooling, please read the “Defining thermal cooling processes” article.
- If you have flux concentrators in your system, you have to define the material. You can select a material from our material library or create a new material.
- All other ambient objects in the system, such as thermal electric insulators, have to be defined. For these you can select a material from our material library or create a new material.
- Thermal analysis can be enabled for all objects. This can be enabled at the top of each object’s tab, and additional parameters will have to be provided under the Thermal Analysis section.
Additionally, in CENOS it is easy to define motion for any object inside the Motion tab. More instructions are available in the “Defining motion” article.
After setting up the Physics section, there are two ways to continue:
- the easiest way is to directly click RUN in the top right corner – CENOS will automatically generate a mesh for your system and start the calculation,
- or you can first click on the “3. MESH” section to inspect the mesh and refine it if necessary.
To learn more about meshing, please read the “Manual meshing tips & tricks” article. Additionally, we recommend reading our “What makes a good CAD geometry” article to make sure that your system CAD file is set up in the most optimal way.
Once CENOS has finished your calculation, our custom-built post-processing visualization tool will automatically open to let you evaluate and explore your simulation results.
Within CENOS: Induction Heating, you can obtain and explore the following results:
Thermal analysis:
- Dynamic heating
- Heat distribution
- Overheating
- Cooling of workpiece and coils
- Joule heat
- Heat transfer coefficient
Electromagnetic analysis:
- Magnetic field distribution in and around the system
- Current density distribution in the system
- Lorentz (electro-mechanic) force
- Magnetic vector and electric scalar potential
- Magnetic permeability
- Real B value
Mechanical analysis:
- Hardening profile (case) visualization and analysis
- Metallurgical phases for quench hardening (ferrite, austenite, martensite, bainite)
- Hardness
Performance plots:
- Power / current / voltage over time
- Induced power, coupling (power) efficiency
- Inductance, Impedance, Resistance, Reactance
- Convective Power loss
- Radiative Power loss
More Resources
To learn more about different simulation capabilities of CENOS, you can read more in these articles: