How induction heating could revolutionize construction/demolition works
Since the inception of CENOS (Connecting Engineering Open-Source), we’ve always strived to give back to the academic community which has played a tremendous part in the development of open-source algorithms and also CENOS software. In fact, some of our team members are lecturers, mentors and some are interns that are still studying physics & mathematics. That is why any researcher, student, or teacher is able to apply for a CENOS Community license free of charge.
We’ve seen our software being used in amazing projects like “Induction Simulation of Semiconductor Crystal Growth” by the University of South Dakota team working on advanced germanium materials for ton-scale dark matter and neutrino experiments.
Recently, one of our Community license users from the University of the Basque country (UPV/EHU), demonstrated his research on the destruction of concrete by the internal heating of steel reinforcements, where he used CENOS 3D simulation to understand the induction heating
effects and potential to replace dirty, noisy concrete structures demolition process with this highly effective and innovative method.
Aimar Orbe from the University of the Basque country has kindly agreed to share his research (work in progress) with our readers.
Concrete block and steel rebar is heated with Radyne induction heater.
Aimar tells about his project:
“I started looking into this because one of my colleagues thought that it might be possible to dismantle damaged concrete elements by applying electromagnetic waves. We were not sure if it is feasible. Initially, we thought about creating a thermal shock between concrete and steel reinforcement. But it seems that the heating is not so fast nor the temperature is high enough. However, we have found that the moisture within the concrete matrix can generate enough steam pressure to crack the concrete. It is still a work on progress.”
CENOS 3D simulation results.
“In order to calibrate the model, we have worked on simulations with CENOS software and real tests with steel rebar within a mortar block. For a while, we have no access to the lab, so I am focused on simulating different applications,” Aimar continues.
What could be the potential benefits of such an application?
It would be focused on dismantling specific elements or areas, not a big demolition. This method helps avoid any noise, vibration, or dust that usually follows the traditional mechanical procedures – pneumatic and hydraulic breakers (jackhammers), ball and crane, blasting (with explosives), pressure bursting, dismantling by water jetting or thermic lance, etc.
“The implementation depends on the geometry of the concrete element. I suppose that few applications will allow the use of a solenoid, so maybe the right thing would be to work with package style inductors,” Aimar explains.
“The simulations are essential to analyze all the parameters governing the interaction between steel reinforcement and electromagnetic waves, especially when one is not sure that it will work. Casting and handling concrete specimens is not very healthy for our backs :)”
In another recently described experiment in the International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, an assistant professor from Songwon University (Republic of Korea) with the residential engineering team from Samsung concluded the economic benefits from using the Induction heating method for dismantling buildings. It was estimated that to demolish 168 m2 of a building with this method would cost 42,32% less than using the traditional method with a large breaker.
Reference: Dr. Lim; Kim H., (2017), IJAER, Vol. 12 (23)
CENOS is an open-source-based 3D simulation software with a dedicated app for Induction heating applications. Computer modeling reduces the number of physical tests and design time of induction coil and systems. If you’re a researcher, academic staff, or student click here to apply for a CENOS Community license or apply for a free trial.