Solid simulation tools for practical engineering work

CENOS™ provides accessible simulation software focused on intuitive use and efficient engineering process for practical work

Specialized simulation tools speaking your industry language

Our tools include only relevant functions with industry–optimized algorithms to ensure intuitive use and solid calculations.


CENOS : IH, CENOS : RF, CENOS : WCH, CENOS : EMS and CENOS : BBH are our industry-specialized tools. To maximize the value of their use within larger organizations and/or for intense users, we built a series of additional tools.

CENOS : Simulation Manager

makes intense usage of CENOS simulation tools even more efficient. C:SM helps to create and manage the queue of simulation jobs facilitating parametric studies and maximizing efficient utilization of computational resources while avoiding idle time overnight and/or on weekends.

CENOS : Results Viewer

is the post-processing-only tool where the team members can see the results of simulations, interact with the results, analyze them, and help colleagues make proper decisions.

CENOS : License Server

is the license-managing solution for enterprise environments. C:LS can be deployed on your on-premises server and will manage floating licenses for CENOS products installed within the organization’s network.

Trusted by engineers of diverse
industries around the world Read more

Two more things – features are especially
appreciated by our fellow engineers

Complete PDF
reports in one click

Preparing presentations with simulation results is a necessary but everyday task. With the one-click PDF report feature, CENOS™ does it for you.

You can send the results immediately by e-mail to your colleagues or customers. Or you can print and send a hard copy – whichever suits you best, so you can get back to the practical work.

Live support
from experts

An integrated software chat with CENOS™ engineers provides you with immediate and detailed technical support. No fancy chatbots here!

Our product engineers take one day of paid vacation every week for customer support. This gives customers in-depth expertise and engineers first-hand feedback. A real win-win situation.

We welcome academic and
non–commercial use with free
community licence

Join our growing list of enthusiast engineers and universities from all over the world, such as:

The University of British Columbia, Politecnico di Torino, University of South Dacota, University of Latvia, Bochum University of Applied Sciences to name a few.

Contact our sales team to find out how to apply.

Our engineers
are right here in
your time zone

Our offices are located in Europe and North America. So you can be sure that immediate support is available in your time zone.


Set up a free 30-minute meeting with our engineer to discuss how CENOS simulation tools can optimize your process of engineering. Ask experts how to start or go for the free trial right away.